Hello! Would you like to know more about the goodcoffeeplace.com?
OK…Happy to oblige!

I’m Steven. The owner and one of the main writers for goodcoffeeplace.com*.
Actually, this website isn’t really about me or my team – it is all about you!
The GoodCoffeePlace is designed to be a good place for your coffee news, brews, and reviews. It is a relatively young website but eager to grow and provide value for you.
The GoodCoffeePlace was established when I retired from my previous administrative life and wanted to do something different.
It wasn’t an easy transition, there were a few hiccups along the way, and there is still much to do. This wasn’t the easiest thing for me to do in my semi-retirement but it certainly is a wonderful challenge.
I discovered that you can teach an ‘old dog’ (me) new tricks! It has been an interesting journey so far and no doubt more is to come.
Coffee is one of my favorite drinks, but I didn’t fully appreciate the wonderful world of coffee knowledge, coffee farming, coffee roasting, coffee methods, and coffee products.
Only by starting this website did I begin to glimpse this vast field of coffee (pun intended).
I am slowly building a team of wonderfully talented people (mostly younger than me). My team and I have learned a lot and we hope that we can share what we learn with you.
You will find us to be honest, capable, and trustworthy. You will also find that we are here to help you and to provide a great service. We always want to do the right thing for you.
You are important to us and we hope that you can eventually see us as your trusted resource for all things coffee!
Please know that we don’t consider ourselves coffee connoisseurs but we are definitely coffee enthusiasts.
My team and I will bring you interesting stories, the best product reviews, coffee products, and the effects of coffee on your health.
We also plan to have promotions, free giveaways, and other activities that hopefully make this website your go-to ‘good coffee place’!
The GoodCoffeePlace is all about you, so we would very much like to know what you like, so please tell us!
We welcome your constructive feedback, comments, suggestions, and ideas.
Maybe you would also like to write for us? If so, just send us an email with your ideas.
The goodcoffeeplace.com is for your enjoyment, entertainment, information, and education.
Please take the time to look around and enjoy!
Steven & Good Coffee Place Team.
PS. We value your privacy so please carefully read our Privacy Policy & Terms of Service to discover what we do with your information.
PPS. Please also read our Disclaimer so you know how to interpret the content on this website.
*My name is real but the image is an Avatar based on a real picture (I’m too shy to show you my real picture and I don’t want to frighten you away ?).